If you have your deposit with Heritage Sports you gain value if Bitcoin goes up or down with our FREE BITCOIN INSURANCE. The ultimate FREE PLAY.

If you are a Bitcoin Depositor at Heritage you basically have 2 places to keep your money - your Bitcoin Wallet or in your Heritage Sports Book account.

During the month Bitcoin can fluctuate up or down. Let's look at both scenarios when you have our Bitcoin Insurance:

Scenario #1: Bitcoin goes up in value during the month. If you have all your money in your Bitcoin Wallet and Bitcoin goes up 10% (say from 50,000 to 55,000) you will make 10% on the money in your Bitcoin Wallet. YOU GAIN VALUE.

If you have your money in your Heritage Sports Book Account Bitcoin Insurance will pay you the same 10% on your daily average balance in the form of a Free Play - so, just like in your Bitcoin Wallet - YOU GAIN VALUE.

Scenario #2: Bitcoin goes down in value during the month. If you have all your money in your Bitcoin Wallet and Bitcoin goes down - YOU LOSE VALUE.

If you have your money in your Heritage Sports Book Account and Bitcoin goes down Bitcoin Insurance protects you from that loss because you lose nothing. Actually the dollars in your account become more valuable because you can buy more Bitcoin than before so, in actuality - YOU GAIN VALUE

Conclusion: You can't lose with BITCOIN INSURANCE. You are protected if Bitcoin goes up or down. It's THE ULTIMATE FREE PLAY.

Bitcoin's value at the start of January was $93,942.20 USD. If it goes up and you have funded your Heritage Account with Bitcoin or another Crypto Currency you will receive the % it goes up as a Free Play on your Average Daily Balance. YOU CAN'T LOSE WITH BITCOIN INSURANCE if you have a Bitcoin funded Heritage Sports Book Account. IT'S THE ULTIMATE FREE PLAY.

Aren’t you glad you have Bitcoin Insurance?

Bitcoin Insurance Down

If you have your deposit with Heritage Sports you gain value if Bitcoin goes up or down with our FREE BITCOIN INSURANCE. The ultimate FREE PLAY.

If you are a Bitcoin Depositor at Heritage you basically have 2 places to keep your money - your Bitcoin Wallet or in your Heritage Sports Book account.

During the month Bitcoin can fluctuate up or down. Let's look at both scenarios when you have our Bitcoin Insurance:

Scenario #1: Bitcoin goes up in value during the month. If you have all your money in your Bitcoin Wallet and Bitcoin goes up 10% (say from 50,000 to 55,000) you will make 10% on the money in your Bitcoin Wallet. YOU GAIN VALUE.

If you have your money in your Heritage Sports Book Account Bitcoin Insurance will pay you the same 10% on your daily average balance in the form of a Free Play - so, just like in your Bitcoin Wallet - YOU GAIN VALUE.

Scenario #2: Bitcoin goes down in value during the month. If you have all your money in your Bitcoin Wallet and Bitcoin goes down - YOU LOSE VALUE.

If you have your money in your Heritage Sports Book Account and Bitcoin goes down Bitcoin Insurance protects you from that loss because you lose nothing. Actually the dollars in your account become more valuable because you can buy more Bitcoin than before so, in actuality - YOU GAIN VALUE

Conclusion: You can't lose with BITCOIN INSURANCE. You are protected if Bitcoin goes up or down. It's THE ULTIMATE FREE PLAY.

Bitcoin's value at the start of January was $93,942.20 USD. If it goes up and you have funded your Heritage Account with Bitcoin or another Crypto Currency you will receive the % it goes up as a Free Play on your Average Daily Balance. YOU CAN'T LOSE WITH BITCOIN INSURANCE if you have a Bitcoin funded Heritage Sports Book Account. IT'S THE ULTIMATE FREE PLAY.

Aren’t you glad you have Bitcoin Insurance?

Heritgage Perks 2


Reduced Juice & Cash Back

We charge 108 on all Major Sports full game sides and totals.
THAT'S A 20% DISCOUNT from what other major Sports Books charge.

Cash Back is calculated by the number of bets and the type of bets a player makes.

500+ bets*: 0.8% Cash Back each quarter.

150-499 bets*: 0.6% Cash Back each quarter.

0-149 bets*: 0.4% Cash Back each quarter.

* Count of Pre-Game bets.

The Cash Back Rebate is payed quarterly beginning January 1st of each year.

There is NO ROLLOVER restrictions on Cash Back funds.


  Parlay Teams Cash Back  
  4 or 5 2x  
  6 or 7 2.5x  
  8 or 9 3x  
  10 or 11 3.5x  
  12 or 13 4x  
  14 or more 4.5x  

Special Early Cash Back Redemption:
Any time you have accumulated at least $25 in Cash Back funds you can redeem it online.

8th Deposit for Free

If you're unlucky enough to have lost 7 deposits in a row - we got your back. The 8th one is ON THE HOUSE.


If you are a sports bettor and have a bitcoin account, you can't do better than having a Heritage Sports account.
Why? Simple answer: "Bitcoin Insurance".

Here is how it works:
Each month we calculate your daily average balance (pending bets included).
Whatever % the price of bitcoin goes up that month you receive the same % on your average daily balance in the form of a FREE PLAY.
Here's the best part - if bitcoin goes down, it costs you nothing. It's the ultimate free play!

Just another one of the many one-of-a-kind perks at Heritage Sports.

Here is an example:
If Bitcoin goes from 65,000 to 78,000 in a month that is a 20% increase.
You will get 20% of your average daily balance as a Free Play.
If Bitcoin goes from 65,000 to 52,000 a 20% decrease you lose nothing.

Get Out of Your Bet at Halftime for Free

At least once a month during the football and basketball seasons we select a game where if you bet on that game you can get out of your bet at the halftime for free. Let's say you lay the Rams -7 for the game and at the ½ the Rams are losing 35 to 0. You can cancel your bet for free at halftime if you don't think the Rams can come back.

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The Heritage Brand and Logo are trademarks of Heritage Sports.
Heritage Sports is a premier online sportsbook and gambling destination. Heritage Sports is a fully licensed sportsbook
providing a reliable and secure sports betting service to millions of satisfied online betting customers world wide since 1994.
Heritage Sports offers football betting, live and NFL odds all season long. All rights reserved 18+.
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At Heritage, we're committed to providing an exceptional betting experience for educated gamblers who believe in smart betting strategies.

With our new website, enhanced features, and additional reduced juice offerings, we are here to give you the edge you need.

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