3 Way Baseball Lines

Don't let a tying run in the bottom of the ninth inning ruin your night!

Heritage Sports provides you with a 3-Way Baseball wagering offering. You'll be able to bet your favorite side at a great price OR bet the 9 inning draw line and get a BIG payday!

3-Way Baseball betting is very similar to soccer 3 Way Betting. Customers can bet on either team or the draw. This is based on regulation or 8.5 to 9 innings. After 8.5 innings with the home team winning or 9 full innings this wager is graded with the team with the most runs scored as the winner. If the game is tied after 9 full innings the draw is the winning bet. Extra innings are not included in this wager type. Games that do not go at least 8.5 innings will have no action.
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